Peameal bacon breakfast sliders

Peameal bacon breakfast sliders

Brunch. You probably haven’t heard of it. But it’s kind of a big deal.

Caramelizing onions

When it comes to brunch in the Soph n’ Stuff household, we don’t mess around. That is, in the figurative sense we don’t mess around. In the literal sense, things do sometimes get messy.

Peameal bacon

I used to dislike peameal bacon (aka “Canadian bacon” or “back bacon”). “Why, this is nothing like bacon!” I would proclaim disdainfully. The thing is, peameal bacon is not like regular bacon at all, and it should not be compared as such. It should be loved in its own right. A salty, juicy, unctuous piece of pork that holds its own in a sandwich situation.

Peameal bacon

Peameal bacon comes from the loin of the pork, rather than the belly, which is where regular bacon comes from. It is leaner, and its cured in brine and wrapped in cornmeal, which used to have something to do with preservation but now is purely decorative.


Thus, I bring you, the Peameal Bacon Breakfast Slider! (Cheesler says I should call it the Jerry O’Connell, but I’m not sure that would accurately reflect the Canadian-ness of the peameal.) You can just call it damn tasty.

Peameal bacon sliders

Look at these buns. Just look at them! I made them from scratch the night before from the same dough I made some crusty italian bread with.

Crusty buns

And look. Look at these Gros Bruns! If you’re Canadian, you’ll get that.

Gros bruns

These sliders are simple. Toasty buns, slice of peameal, fried egg, melty cheddar, and some maple-caramelized onions for that extra little ode to Canada. If you didn’t know, we are famous for our maple syrup.

maple caramelized onions

The onion recipe was adapted from a fellow Canadian food blogger’s site, Closet Cooking. This guy invents the most amazing recipes and his site is a go-to source for me.

Peameal bacon breakfast sliders

And here’s the money shot!

Peameal bacon breakfast sliders

Give these a try next time you’re feeling a bit of Canadian nostalgia, you won’t be disappointed!

Peameal bacon breakfast sliders

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7 Comments on “Peameal bacon breakfast sliders”

  1. sandra chrysler
    January 12, 2013 at 6:23 pm #

    Looks good eh.

  2. Marl
    January 12, 2013 at 11:15 am #

    Wow! You know how much I LOVE brunch…but this it to a whole new level! Keep that bacon coming…great pics!


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    […] those little buns? I knew I would be making Peameal Bacon Breakfast Sliders the next morning, so I baked them at the same time. Oh I am so […]

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