
Wentel what now?


It’s dutch for french toast, and it is pronounced “VENT-el-tay-fya”. And despite my dutch ancestry, I had never heard of it until I read a description of someone eating it in Elizabeth Gilbert’s The Signature of All Things.


I must have been hungry at the time, and the character in the book who happened to be watching the person eating it was hungry too.


It was described with such longing that as soon as I finished the chapter I put the book down and raced to my kitchen to make it.


It’s very similar to your traditional french toast, or pain perdue. The biggest difference I can see is that it has LOTS of cinnamon.

But of course you can adjust according to your own tastes.


It was some kind of kismet that I happened to have lovely tulips to admire as I cooked this dutch delicacy. Tulips are my favourite flower…it must be a genetic pre-disposition.


I had the brilliant idea to make some ridiculously easy blueberry syrup to drizzle over my wentelteefjes. That word…doesn’t it just sound so cute?


Mmmmm, just imagine the cinnamony aroma of these as they fry. Heaven. Or as the dutch say, Hemel.


Here’s the recipe!


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